Buy Music
You can purchase our Singalong Albums as downloads for £12 each.
When you click the links below you will be transferred to a third party shop who are responsible for fulfilment. Once you pay, you will then receive an email with the link to download the 12 mp3 files. Please download via a computer as not all phones / tablets will support the process (please see note at the bottom of this page for further guidance).
Please note purchases are only for personal use and must not be sold or sent to anyone else. They are not permitted to be used commercially in any way including use in children’s classes (free or paid for).
Each album has 12 tracks* and the songs feature in the Kidslingo classes. The lyrics can be downloaded here:
01 Bonjour – Hello
02 Les Roues Du Bus – Wheels On The Bus
03 Le Vieux McDonald – Old McDonald
04 L’araignée Gypsie – Incy Wincy Spider
05 Tête Épaules Genoux Pieds – Head Shoulders Knees Feet
06 Frère Jacques – Brother John
07 Si Tu Sais Parler Français – If You Know How To Speak French
08 Je Suis Le Musicien – I Am The Music Man
09 Pomme De Reinette – The Apple Song
10 On Tourne Autour De La Tour Eiffel – Here We Go Round The Eiffel Tower
11 Cinq Petits Singes – Five Little Monkeys
12 Brille Brille Petite Étoile – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
01 Hola – Hello
02 Las Ruedas Del Autobus – Wheels on the bus
03 El Viejo McDonald – Old McDonald
04 La Araña Pequeña – Incy Wincy Spider
05 Cabeza Hombros Rodillas y Dedos – Head Shoulders Knees & Toes
06 Si Hablas Español – If You Know How To Speak Spanish
07 Yo Soy Musico – Music Man
08 Damos La Vuelta – Here We Go Round The Tower
09 Cinco Monitos – 5 Little Monkeys
10 Brilla Brilla Estrellita – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
11 Osito Vuelvete – Teddy Bear Turn Around
12 Cinco Patitos – 5 Little Ducks
Buyers should normally have no trouble downloading from the system to an actual computer (including laptops and netbooks), and you should be able to sync the file to any mobile device from there. If your download link works on a regular computer, it should work just as well on any mobile device that’s actually capable of downloading directly from the Web.
Unfortunately, Web-based downloads to mobile devices (e.g., smartphones or tablets, including iPads/iPhones) can be a bit of a mixed bag, depending on the particular device and what software the buyer has installed on it; there’s no way we can force a device to download something from us if it has no such download capability built-in or installed. Buyers should at least be able to download their file to a regular computer and then sync the file to their device from there.
The standard Safari browser on Apple iOS devices in particular will only download a file if the device already has an app installed that can open that type of file.
That said, many devices come with some sort of download app preinstalled, and most users who want to download things to their device from the Web and have done so previously would already have sorted this out on their own, so it’s really only an issue with buyers who have never downloaded anything to their device from anywhere but the device’s official “app store” before.

"It is a fantastic opportunity which helps build confidence and gives an early interest in languages and the world around them."
Parent of Joe age 5
"I’m really pleased how well my child is learning a language at nursery. She does all of her numbers at home & tells us what they are."
Parent of Natalie age 3
"My daughter attends a lunchtime club at school and adores it. She is desperate to go on holiday to Spain so she can order an ice cream in Spanish."
Parent of Alison age 10
"I am amazed when Gracie comes out with French words at home, it’s very exciting ! And shows how much they can learn at such an early age."
Parent of Gracie age 2
"Language skills in early development comes naturally and easily, children are more capable of pronouncing unfamiliar sounds and absorb new grammar. For this reason this is why we feel that our children benefit from the Spanish sessions with Helen. It also contributes to them socially and boosts the confidence of some of the more quieter children."
Lucinda Rumble, Nursery Manager
“The programme is such an intuitive and interactive way for the children to learn another language. Our pupils are learning so quickly!”
Head teacher, Wakefield